Thursday 12 June 2014


Peever Fever


Peever saw a Beaver who had fever, And said "Oh! Peeper!". 
So, He started playing with a creeper,and said to Peeper "Oh, How I hate Justin Bieber!".
Hence, He became the Hufflepuff Seeker, 
And moved to the Shire!
Then, when he burned on a Pyre,
He thought,"Writing this was such a tire" 
And sang the Badger song! 


Peever had a fever,
And Piv, in her terror, grabbed a beaver!
Who cried out "Jeepers!"
And I nodded my head solemnly, grappling with a lever,
Which then released a golden retriever,And of GSFL, it then became a believer!

Loopy Boop

One day, Loopy Boop went to the park, 
and started running Fwoop-Fwoop! 
And suddenly she saw a Hoop! 
So she went goopy-goop and wooped! Woop-Woop!
Then, she had ice cream of serving one scoop.
She then had SOUP!
And then joined the 'Run Away from Voldemort's lair by misclicking' Loop! 

Fake Cake

The rhyme is at stake, and the cake is fake!
 So I decided to make another cake, for god's sake, 
because I didn't want to burn at the stake!

Fishy Fishes

 Fishy Fishes eat fishy dishes, and wish for a fresh water fish in fresh water well 
and go swish swish swish with other fishes in a ditch, 
while some play squash with a snitch, 
and other fishes squish Parish. 


Once there was a girl, her name Pivonre; 
She went to search for Peever, 
but didn't know where. 
So she went around the world 
and found him with Mr. Wolf, Were in Zaire!
 Mr. Were said something bad to Pivonre, 
So she said, "Mr. Were, Don't swear!" 
Then Pivonre and Peever sat on a chair, 
and played with a pair of mares. 


 So I was walking downtown, And eyed a Sexy clown
And I said a noun!
Then I wore a gown 
Then he saw me, and wore a frown!
And I went down.


Oh Cano! You stole my heart. 
You made me change my name to Bart! 
Peever did you just fart? 
No, I just ate tart!
And made a heart as art!
Yeah, you hid the fart! That was smart.
Bart went to Walmart with Cano-Hearts!
He had a crush on her so wrote this love poem on a chart! 

Joyce's Demise

I listened to Ivana's sexy voice, 
So much noise! 
And I saw a gymnast showing so much poise! 
It's time to rejoice, because I took a photo of my choice! 
And the, I muttered in a wee small voice,
 "I really hate you, Joyce!" 
Because Joyce thinks mice are nice, 
But I like ice! 
So at her, I threw two dice! 
But it turned out, Joyce was in disguise. 
And then she was stabbed by french fries!
I cackled and ate the mice with ice, in the guise of Joyce! 


Today, I was making a hat,
Eating cookies which made me fat!
 And I spilled oil, all over the mat!
So, the mat and the oil decided to have a little chat!
 And what did they chat about, you may ask.
Well, they were chatting about buying a new flat! 
 They were dirty, they spat on the mat! 
 And so the oil said, "Dat's gross!" 
which made Mat say, "It's not dat, but that!"
 And since, weird as it is, there aren't 
many words ending with at
We shall conclude the cat ate the mat!

Special MentionsCano Hunt, Vixana 


  1. These poems are so utterly nonsensical and amusing. I love these <3

    1. We are grateful that you like our poems so much. Hopefully, we will post more soon. :D

  2. Please do. It would be greatly appreciated. XD

  3. These poems are brilliant! Made my day, really funny I have to say! Please keep posting more :)

    1. Thank you so much for your support, we shall definitely do our best to post more poems! It is this support of fans like you that keeps us inspired :)
